Well it took me a day or two to figure out what
'tagged' meant...but I think I got it.
My friend
Julie 'tagged' me which I love the idea of getting to know others, I just couldn't think of
SEVEN random things about
myself.I don't have
SEVEN blogger friend to send this onto, but I do know that many of you lurkers who check out my rambles could start a blog and give this tagging thing a try!
Thinkin of you Jodi W ;)
1. I once saved a patient in the OR by putting my
finger over the hole in the aorta (I saw it first). I then stayed in that position for THREE hours while the cardiac surgeon sutured the hole
closed...wheww...good thing, or I would have had to go home with the patient.
2. I love the smell of yews (
evergreen shrubs) they remind me of my
Grandma Millers' house on University Ave. in Provo, UT. The smell when we would arrive at
G&G Millers' meant we were in store for
Fresca, home made
ice cream, Maggie and fried chicken, all
smells I love!
3. I love to be
scared (only good scared not for real scared) like scary movies my favorites: The Others, The Birds and I loved The
Hardey Boys. My new favorite
scared is watching Ghost Hunters on Sci-
Fi. Grant (lead investigator) is
LDS and served his
Mission in Italy, I love when he
asks the ghosts if they speak Italian!!
Scarrry4. I love getting
Christmas update letters in my
Christmas cards, my parents say nobody ever reads them, but I do, then I save them and scrapbook them.
5. I really love
Girls Camp! OK, just about
everybody knows that about me, I've been going for like 20 yrs now ... I have gone as the Stake Camp director (not the funnest :), Ward Camp Leader, Nurse (for like 10 yrs) and now am the
YCL Leader!! I love
Girls Camp!! Like one big slumber party,
Girls Camp is (I capitalize it
cuz it's important)! You eat snacks, stay up late and go swimming, maybe a hike or two, unless you say you '
twisted' your ankle and then you eat more snacks!!
Yaahha Girls Camp!
6. Not a fan of make believe, I
prefer 'based on true events' when I watch or read something.
7. Love the
Gospel and my
family more than ... dare I say
Girls Camp!
There's my
TAGGED now I hope
Wendi and
Dianna will carry on, check out their
bloggs, they have ton's of friends. They'll
Thanks Julie!
hey jill. hope you dont mind me being one of your new lurkers. (i found you through jill and dianas sites). and hope you dont mind if i add your site to my list. ive peeked in on yours a few times. its fun to see all your family updates. and your seven things were quite interesting. that first one made me a bit queazy. and i believe loving the girls camp! did you twist your ankle on a laurel high adventure? im trying to remember if i was there.
BEKA..I mean REBEKA miss you and your family! Yes! you were probably there when I 'twisted' my ankle on high adventure (Not capt. cuz that really hurt).
Miss you guys!
I absolutely Love your Family Blog. However, please let me know when you plan to post pictures of me on your site. Due to the fact they are scary!!!! Other then that, I love it. Lets see if this goes through.
Dang! you figured out how to comment..bet that took like all afternoon!! Your getting computer savvy! Next your own blog??
Haha! I love the Christmas letters too and read every one! I only scrapbook the photos though.....I am too far beind for the letters too! I see Tammy got through! I am impressed! Now let's get her blogging! Hi Tam.....see how fun this can be!
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